
Thursday, May 7, 2015

Abraham and Isaac

Abraham and Sarah had waited patiently for an heir, Sarah being barren had offered her servant as a surrogate who bore Ishmael. But God was true to His promise and later Sarah gave birth to Isaac the apple of Abraham’s eye. Abraham’s blind trust in God’s great provision was blessed by God as what happened next was a picture of a future event that would occur on Calvary when God’s own blessed Son would carry a wooden cross on which He would be sacrificed by His Father for the sins of all mankind.

(Gen 22) After these things God tested Abraham, and said to him, “Abraham!” And he said, “Here am I.” He said, “Take your son, you're only son Isaac, whom you love, and go to the land of Mori′ah, and offer him there as a burnt offering upon one of the mountains of which I shall tell you.” So Abraham rose early in the morning, saddled his ass, and took two of his young men with him, and his son Isaac; and he cut the wood for the burnt offering, and arose and went to the place of which God had told him. On the third day Abraham lifted up his eyes and saw the place afar off. Then Abraham said to his young men, “Stay here with the ass; I and the lad will go yonder and worship, and come again to you.” And Abraham took the wood of the burnt offering, and laid it on Isaac his son; and he took in his hand the fire and the knife. So they went both of them together. And Isaac said to his father Abraham, “My father!” And he said, “Here am I, my son.” He said, “Behold, the fire and the wood; but where is the lamb for a burnt offering?” Abraham said, “God will provide himself the lamb for a burnt offering, my son.” So they went both of them together.
When they came to the place of which God had told him, Abraham built an altar there, and laid the wood in order, and bound Isaac his son, and laid him on the altar, upon the wood. Then Abraham put forth his hand, and took the knife to slay his son. But the angel of the Lord called to him from heaven, and said, “Abraham, Abraham!” And he said, “Here am I.” He said, “Do not lay your hand on the lad or do anything to him; for now I know that you fear God, seeing you have not withheld your son, you're only son, from me.” 

Seeing Abraham's blind trust and faithfulness God reckoned it to him as righteousness his act provides a clear picture depicting a future event when God's only begotten Son would carry the wooden cross and be the sacrificial Lamb provided by God as expiation for the sins of all mankind. 

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